Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ....[*[Wedding Bells]*]....
weeee! me and meowmeow got married.. lolz! well our RO characters at least.. ^^;; it was really fun and cute and i kinda had this feeling of excitement. XD the wedding was sorta pricey too.. heheh but ze extra skills are useful coz we always play together. Anyways.. here are the screenshots of our wedding. ^^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Sunday, May 29, 2005 ....[*[Tsubasa Chronicle Fever]*]....
this past week.. me and my siblings decided to have an anime marathon.. courtesy of meowmeow (he really has this huge collection of anime vcds.. heheh). We watched Maria sama ga miteru (sorta yuri for me... T-T), Midori no Hibi (many unnecessary stuffs were shown which were undeleted... T-T if you've watched it on animax.. you wouldn't know what i mean.. T-T ) and Tsubasa Chronicle! It's the latest anime series from CLAMP... meowmeow said that it's still being shown on Japan (i think it was aired last march or april2005) so he still has to download the next ones... waaahh! can't wait to watch the next episodes... Let me tell you why.. Tsubasa Chronicle features characters from their previous anime series.. (rolled into one! weee!). Sakura and Syaoran were the main characters (grown up versions ^^).. Touya is still Sakura's brother, Yukito is still his childhood friend, they're King and High priest respectively. Some of the characters are Mokona, Tomoyo, Arashi, Chii!, and i think I also saw Zagato... plus i know that there'll be a whole bunch of surprises. Of course the story is so different but they decided to keep the original names of the characters so it was fun (i had to identify which series the characters came from ^^). The opening and closing song plus the background tracks were awesome too! Waaahh! can't really wait!!!! In the meantime though... because of that.. i'll have to change my layout again.. lolz featuring tsabasa chronicle of course!! i hope i can find pictures.. so far, all i have are manga scans.. pictures are sooooo rare! ^_^;; *dreamy look* Syaoran........ *drools* ^_^;;
Thursday, May 26, 2005 ....[*[Ro and chocolates]*]....
I went out today coz I have to pay for my cellphone bill.. anyway.. i was relieved that it didn't reach 3,000 like before.. XD after that.. my sister and i went to the nearest internet cafe coz she's going to meet someone. She left me there and told me to play RO until she gets back..wah! It was 1:30 in the afternoon... she was back at 5pm! can you imagine that? my head really ached.. well you can't blame me.. it was really dark in that place.. all the computer's radiation went straight to me.. lolz. I wasn't really lonely.. heheh, meowmeow accompanied me to umbala, the new map and supplied me with lots of white potz.. he upgraded my armors too. wahahah! love u meowmeow! Well.. as a compensation... my sister paid for my 1 hr of gametime (yeah... 1 hr lang...*sniff*) and gave me chocolates!!!! Surely, for those who knew me that well... they'll never go wrong with chocolates. *drools*
Tuesday, May 24, 2005 ....[*[Lazy Girl]*]....
woke up at 12pm today... lazy girl! *toinkz* heheh i asked mom for some money coz i want to go to the mall... hhhmm... what else? its a boring day so i can't really tell ya anything.. oh yeah, i spent all of my money playing mambo agogo.. XD heheh ^^ i didn't really noticed the time and it was until i stepped out of the mall that i realized...it was already 7 in the evening... T-T i guess that's it for now.. ^^ thanks for reading this entry.. heheh ^^
Monday, May 23, 2005 ....[*[The Week that Was]*]....
Hello! it has been a while since i last posted here.. ^^ last week was our finals week that's why i didn't have the time to update this thingie.. as always.. anyway.. its not imperative to update this everyday ne? by the way.. i changed my layout... (why do i keep changing it anyway?? i dunno.. i sorta got bored easily). Please tell me what you think about the new layout.. heheh.. ^^ but i used the same bgm.. its cute. ^^ hhhmm... updates about me? weee! last Tuesday I won as the best debater! Thanks to my classmates for their votes and support. I was really happy coz our prof told us that for those who won as best debaters, grades will be one step higher! Nice eh? How bout the UGG last saturday? well frankly i wasn't feeling very well... aside from that... my sword.. wah! i didn't know what i should do onstage because we weren't given a chance to utter our character's lines.. oh well.. just thought i had to push through with it coz i'm already there.. By the way.. thanks to those people who gave such really nice comments..i didn't know that so many people loved my character.. MWAH! I promise i'll do better next time.. my groupmates for the supposed to be "Valkyrie Profile group" didn't make it coz they too didn't finish their costumes on time.. but we decided that we'll go on with the group by... June 26 convention.. i think... i'll have my sword carved this time around! hahah! XD Time to do something bout the headgear too... i ended up having small cuts on my face because the edges weren't given special attention, good thing they wouldn't leave scars.. wah! By the way, here is a pic of me i found on filcosplay forums... ^^
Saturday, May 14, 2005 ....[*[Cosplay Blues]*]....
Rayhan came over to our house today to help me finish my costume props.. the headgear and the sword.. (Lenneth Valkyrie costume).. good thing he's nice enough to help me with that thingie.. but i was the one who had to cut the yero! too hard! my hands are sore XD and by the way.. thanks also to Dante who helped me do the shoulder armors!!! ^_^ i really needed a lot of help... T.T it has been a year since I stopped cosplaying.. and now that I'm on it again.... i wanna do something errr... something different..far from my usual cutesy characters.. XD it really drained my account.. (and i still have to buy a digicam.. dang) well, i'm not expecting that i'm going to win but the kind of fun i experience during cosplays were really priceless. ^^ oh well, i'll keep this short again because i have to do my paper for my debate on tuesday.. i'm on the affirmative side to legalize abortion and euthanasia!! wish me luck coz its going to be hard.. T.T by the way.. hopefully my new layout will be done by next week.. its going to be another yuna layout..^^
Sunday, May 08, 2005 ....[*[Some stuffs]*]....
before others get struck by my two previous entries.. i'd just like to make it clear that it was meowmeow i was talking about and not anybody else.. (sorry just had to say this.. anyway... you know that i was really mad about that stuff) i'm not really blaming you or anything but all i want to point out was that, don't commit to anything unless you really want to do it.. that's all. I'm not mad at you anymore... i just decided to post this stuff coz someone reacted and texted me.. XD sorry bout that.. heheh ^^ peace! anyway... till next week! ^^;; by the way.. i'm working on a new layout... again XD hope it'll be finished by next week or the week after that. ^^
sorry bout my post yesterday..i'm not really asking anyone to emphatize.. i just felt like i had to let it all out.. i was really frustrated because of the thought that i practically had to CRAM because of it.. oh well.. that's life. You know, i have this feeling that i've been on the losing side this summer, nothing good ever happened.. T.T just sheer dumb luck all the time. oh well.. i'll just keep this short.. i still have to review for my looooonnnnngggggggg exam on moday. And by the way, while I was typing this entry, i realized.. good heavens! my skin is darker.. T-T i hate it.. but i pacified myself by giving a pathetic excuse like.. "hey, its summer! everybody is into this tanning thingie.. its a new look!" yeah right.....
Friday, May 06, 2005 ....[*[BadTrip]*]....
yeah.. i've learned something today.. never trust any of your work to anyone because in the end, you'll still rely on yourself anyway.. and when that time comes.. you'll realize that its already too late. Days, weeks have already passed and wasted because i'm still waiting for that promise.. a promise to help me finish that stupid thing.. you see.. i don't have that time to put all the pieces or that stupid work together. I hate people who promise they'll do the work when in fact after saying "i'll see what i can do" they already forgot. You'll keep on reminding them to do it but everytime they'll say okay still nothing happens. And when you REALLY REALLY need that damned thing.. they'll say.. I FORGOT! how come you never reminded me? Oh really? I didn't? Well that means they never remembered anything I've said the past few weeks. It'll be much better if they said they couldn't do it while its still early.. now look at what happened? how am I supposed to buy that !#$%##$&^#&* thing??!!! oh well... enough already.. i won't add insult to injury anymore.. Were going to the beach tomorrow.. another waste of time... but I can't do anything about it. I haven't studied for my LOOOONNG EXAM on monday and I won't be able to attend the AME GA tom... jeez... this is going to be a looooooonnnnng week.
Sunday, May 01, 2005 ....[*[of different stuffs.. rants.. and whatever ^^]*]....
couldn't believe it.. i woke up at 12:30 pm today.. XD just in time for lunch! what a bummer... i wanted to do something productive today but i woke up at a quite unusual time. oh well.. i just played ragnarok today.. for about 2 hrs i think.. heheh i do think that RO is a waste of money.. u know why? instead of buying food for myself.. i usually think about things like.. "oh! sayang naman yung pera, pang RO card din yun!" i know that for a fact yet I can't help it! (meowmeow's fault!) All we do is to go somewhere and then slash and hack.. it becomes repetitive yet it's strangely addicting.. ^_^ sorry.. since it's a sunday.. my mind doesn't work well.. heheh i still have to study for my Jap quiz.. we have a quiz almost everyday... T-T (i want to cry...) oh and by the way, while I was talking to my mom this afternoon.. she told me that I should study law after I graduate... ah.. the pressure!!!! they're expecting me to follow my dad's footsteps but I don't know if I can.. I wanted to but I don't know if it's my forte... ack! enough of that... it's 9:00pm and i am wondering why meowmeow hasn't called yet.. maybe he's glued to his PC... he has a tendency to slack off.. joke meowmeow! peace! XD
....[*[ordinary saturday]*]....
Just an ordinary day.. like any other day for me... i went out as early as 11am to go to the mall and meet with my friends.I spent a fairly huge amount to buy tokens for the toy crane (the thingie where you'll try to get a stuffed doll) but i went home empty handed just the same.. (i'm not as good as my meowmeow! he got a really cute stuffed bunny and gave it to me) i could have just bought a stuffed doll out of my money but you know.. playing with that thing (toy crane) is really fun.. XD can't help it.. sometimes we value things because we got it the hard way.. ^^;; we also spent 2 hrs in a ktv.. (i really miss those "center for pop days".. lolz. i love singing and performing but i don't have time for that anymore... how sad....) my vocal chords really got tired after that.. my voice became hoarse and sorta halts whenever i speak.. ^^ it's already 1:00 am.. good thing my sister is with me.. she's trying to finish her fanfic thingie.. (ragna addict! lolz) all my siblings can't live without ragnarok.. XD i guess that's about it for now... forgive me if I don't use complicated terms as everyone is expecting... this bloggy is even bubbly and speaks about my everyday experiences instead of hard-core-complicated essays or poems i was posting since i started doing this thing. (well... hello... this is summer... heheh we all wanted a change... ) ^^ I guess it's quite uninteresting to read the everyday life of person which is not even close to you.. if it is.. then just let me know. ^^v
these are some of my favorite songs.. more songs to be uploaded soon..
The Webmistress
made the doll in such a way that it looked sorta like me.. plus the pink outfit.. gah! Meet my counterpart.. PORKY! ^^ Name: Rosalin Angeli C. Merez Age: 19 School: UP Diliman Course: CommRes ^^ Hobbies: Drawing, singing, PLAYING RPGs (you know, the ff series, and yeah! online games! woohoo! hooray for ragnarok!), collecting anime and cutesy stuffs, shoes.. lots of em, cosplaying, instrument: piano, tinkering weblayouts, fanfic writing Loves meowmeow! pink.. chocolates (ESP. Cadbury Hazelnuts).. almost anything.. lolz jk! well..the best way to bribe me is through my stomach and sweet tooth XD Hates posers, people who think they're high and mighty, backstabbers, gooey stuffs, blood and gore sorceress_ran@yahoo.com That's about it I guess... (for now..)
err yeah.. please visit my DA too! look for the link below.. thanks!
Just click 'em to see my past entries ^_^
April 2005 My adopted Pet
updating my photo album.. link will be posted soon. ^^ t_RANCE singing group link (which includes me.. hehe) just click on the image ^^ |