Saturday, January 28, 2006
....[*[tRANCE , Do`Ahou and rants]*]....
tRANCE went out of their way to SM fairview to meet Kuya Neil, the vocalist of Do'Ahou.. but it was worth it coz we had fun! XD Heheh we'll be collaborating for the event on February 18 (UST) .. he will be our guitarist for the day! wee! what an honor! and we're thanking him for the time he gave us. ^^ We sang our hearts out in a ktv.. (i posted the pics).. he was so good! *fangirl mode on* KYAAAAA!!! But everything's not "happy-happy" XD .. we had to discuss practice schedules plus song line ups.. And we came up with a tentative list (fukai mori, en rai, sakasama no chou) first two were dai songs while the third is the opening song of jigoku shoujo.. all songs subject to change.. >_< I'm dreading this coming Monday coz me and my groupmates had to go to a funeral parlor to interview people for my sociology research paper.. >_< I AM SO AFRAID! they just don't know how much! Of all the topics to approve.. why did my professor chose that? T-T oh well... I'm having a problem with the stat thing part of my COMMRES 165 research report... I'm confused with the tables plus all those numbers.. I knew it! I should have taken up the univariate reports! Now I'm stuck with mulivariate tables and elaboration analysis.. gah! anybody familiar with those stuffs? HELP!
some pictures I took today:

something I edited.. XD

Ran 11:57 AM
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
....[*[New performance Sked]*]....
we've just been informed that we were included in the band lineup (we're actually a girl trio... XD) for Tomasinotaku's event.. I'm excited and nervous at the same time coz I wasn't expecting on doing something big.. lolz anyway.. its going to be on february 18... >_< Hope to see some of you there! wish us luck! ^_^ Song lineup? i dunno yet.. >_<
Ran 3:25 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
....[*[Announcement: XD]*]....
For upd studs: Tomorrow, January 19.. at 1:00 - 5:00 pm.. our topic will be "Shinigami:Declassified" how death gods were portrayed in animes...
see yah there! ^^
tRANCE will perform there too... XD
Ran 10:03 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
....[*[Some ramblings]*]....
guess.. I'm kinda becoming a DA addict now.. sadly though I can't update that as often as I want coz when I do my drawings, it always takes sometime... (I'm an OC person) oh well... but hey.. thanks to those who viewed my DA page already and added my works to their favorites.. XD keep the stats rolling.. >_< thanks a lot people! While I was infront of the piano today, I came across a piece entitled "Moonlight Sonata" ... i tried to play it and *gasp* it was so sad it almost made me cry.. >_< it was like being transported to a lonely and dark dimension.. I'll try to record it and upload it in my blog for you to hear it.. XD with that, I suddenly had a fanfic idea and I want to have the same title... XD I'll make sure that my readers will cry too.. lol but as much as I want to start on it.. I can't.. coz I'm so loaded with lotsa stuffs... good thing I finished those stuffs for commres 165 already.. ^_^ errrr.. *slumps* there's still a lot more waiting in line..
so tired!!
Ran 5:54 AM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
....[*[Going Crazy]*]....
so many works and assignments to do... so many term papers... gah! Don't be surprised if I'm grumpy one of these days... actually I might explode any minute now...
due for this week: 1. commres 165 individual (measures of ct) exercise 2. commres 165 group (univariate technique thingies) exercise and presentation 3. comm 141 problems 4. anthro 123 ethnography problem plus graded recitation 5. socio 101 term paper outline (about burial. what a way to start the week) 6. commres 175 decision making outline (management) 7. film 100 (have to go to the library to watch jean luc godard's "breathless" 8. so many readings
waaaahhh! you know... i don't even understand where I found the time to do another deviation and an entry for my blog.. lolz
i was also shocked to find out that I am fully booked (what a nice term) for next month.. (when I checked my organizer, all the presentations were due) I musn't also forget that we have a gig for feb.. must practice amidst all that schoolworks... XD
bunny girl outfit on the way.. eek!
Ran 9:38 AM
Friday, January 13, 2006
....[*[Some Film Stuffs]*]....
I never got the hang of watching silent plus Black and white films but I guess I had to.. I ever imagined that I would watch a movie just to take note of all the technicalities like film form, style, cinematography, mise-en-scene and other things. It was hard for me to detect several cuts, what kind of lighting was used, what kind of shots, how long was the take, from what angle was it shot... (guess I'm bombarding you with technicalities.. I'm just giving you a feeling of shock.. like what I felt initially.. lolz) but I can't do anything about it coz it was a requirement to finish Film 100.. XD
But apart from that, I still felt lucky that I was able to watch the very first films! (coz we started from there, those 3 minute thingies) Aside from the very first films, I was also able to see the greatest film of all time like Citizen Kane plus those revolutionary and representative movies from all sorts of montage and classical hollywood cinema.. I just hope we'll get to contemporary cinemas soon...
so far.. we've watched: 1. First Films (can't name them, too many) 2. Wizard of Oz (Judy Garland) 3. Birth of a nation (narrative cinema) 4. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (german expressionism) 5. Un Chien Andalou (french surrealism) 6. Citizen Kane (top 1 - greatest movies of all time) 7. Battleship Potemkin (soviet montage) - i fell asleep in the middle 8. Bicycle thief (italian neo-realism)
Next in line will be Jean Luc Godard's "Breathless" plus we're required to do a paper on "Brokeback Mountain" and "Memoirs of a Geisha", can't wait to watch them! Although I'm not sure I could do a very good technical review on those films!
Just wanted to share some bits and pieces.. hahah! I just wish I'll realize the difference between a crane shot plus other shots.. lol
well truth is.. I wrote this out of desperation.. any experts on these things? HELP!!! ^_^
Ran 8:12 AM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
....[*[Plug Plug Plug]*]....
just finished doing the bloggie layout for my buddy cams.. please visit her link and give some comments... lolz thanks a lot people!
and by the way.. I've finished uploading some of my artworks... please visit my deviantart account too! click my avatar below.. heheh my pic.. how narcissistic noh? ^_^
Ran 3:40 AM
Friday, January 06, 2006
....[*[A tribute to a Lost friend]*]....
today marks the 3rd year death anniversary of my special friend pao... I was alone in my room this morning and then I remembered him suddenly... I don't know why but I suddenly had the urge to check my journal from two years ago and then that was it... It was on this fateful day..
I met him when I was still active in MIRC (Inside anime channels)..when he accidentally kicked me was then that everything started. I wasn't really taking him seriously because I thought he was just one of those guys who plays around.. but i was wrong.. and it was already too late when I realized it. It was then that I learned that we should never take things for granted coz you may not know if it will be there again tomorrow... I learned that the hard way... It was so sudden..
Before he left, he gave me a huge angel pink stuffed bear which I could no longer see in blue magic stores... he told me that it will always watch me from then... and I think it really did.. >_< The last time we talked, he told me that he'll get well if I did (coz I was sick) but I guess he never did..
I would like to take this space to thank him for everything... I felt guilty coz I failed to remember him last year... that may be the reason why something came over me today... I will pray for you and I will always remember you wherever you are... your kindness will never be forgotten... you'll always be a part of me! and i know that you're now happy wherever you are. thanks again! ^_^
Ran 5:25 AM
Sunday, January 01, 2006
....[*[Weee! 1st post for this year!]*]....
some of the entries earlier may not contain the real time or date when I posted the entry. Anyway, just decided to post today coz I AM SO DESPERATE ALREADY! I've been trying to do my Commres 165 assignment this whole !@#$%#$#@! vacation but until now I'm not able to finish it!!! I mean... hello??? Its just a matter of right "measure of central tendency" plus a "measure of dispersion!!!" How OC can I get? I've been doing this assignment for eternity and now I'm on the verge of pulling all my hairs off!!! Why? all the variables are nominal!!!! XD (well... almost) and I hate it!
oh well... so much for the first post this new year ne? XD and now... just to compensate me.. I want to enumerate my wishlist which came true just so I could still feel lucky despite all these tough loads.
Material Things I got this year: 1.Laptop dream digicam 3.A new Computer 4.DSL Connection 5.New Shirts
Nonmaterial: 1.New friends 2.a singing group/career/tRANCE (Anne and Nice) 3.My parents' full attention sis' company and care. lol! wahahah (all around me) pals for everything 10.good school standing (college scholar) 11.good health 12.contentment
there's just so many things I haven't enumerated yet.. and seeing all these things.. NO STATISTICAL MEASURES OR INTERPRETATION CAN RUIN MY DAY.. EVER AGAIN! Thanks a lot everyone! ^_^
Ran 4:29 AM