Friday, May 19, 2006 ....[*[RAN = RANts]*]....
I was born to RANt!!! hahah! okay... corny.... That was one helluva week... with all that work and everything. I was just sad that some of my blockmate's OJT days are almost over... for them anyway.. this is their last day! While me... it seemed like I was just starting; ahahah come to think of it... my work will continue till the next semester starts.. and I'm going to be paid for it! however.. my body and mind craves for something... something they have been deprived in such a long while.. REST! I've always wanted to file for a leave of absence.. just one sem.. *laughs* but that's not possible.. :D Good thing ma'am mateo extended the deadline till monday.. i can finally breathe.. but my SPSS (statistical software) is missing!!!! I have to buy another one... what great luck... Too bad for me... Anyways.. I've always hated CRS!!!! dang.. Since time immemmorial I never got the classes I wanted.. -______-;; CRS hates me too!! :(( you see... my schedule for the next sem is sooo... sooo.. I don't even want to talk about it... *cries* As if that wasn't enough.. I'm in bitter mode forever.. yet nobody seemed to care.. I wanted to have someone I could talk to.. yet no one came to my rescue.. you know... It's hard enough for me to open up... but some people never bothered to take some time off their busy schedules, or take a break from what they were doing.. I'm not demanding or something... but I just wanted someone who will listen... you know... you don't have to emphatize or understand me... I don't even need any advices coz I'm too stubborn to follow it anyway... just listen... or just pretend that you do... demmet! To divert my attention for a while from work... I got into this interesting hobby.. avatar making!! ahahah! and I made one for each day just to represent what I'm feeling.. In fact, each one has it's own story... so next time you log in to yahoo messenger.. check out what avvie I'm using to know my mood.. hahah! :) ![]() Monday.. The original me... bunny girl/pinkie/genki mode.. that was me at the start of this week! :D well duh.. i had no idea of what's in store for me!! :D ![]() Tuesday.. Hair is getting darker... horns... well.. they're showing coz I'm getting grumpy.. but I'm still trying to keep my cool.. so there.. she's cool huh? ^^ ![]() Wednesday... so much work... one person tried to pick a fight with me.. I'm getting really really depressed and bitter.. I'M HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO!! *sings* kidding! yeah.. sorta like that... say.. the avvie was patterned after Li Syaoran.. i love the guy! hahah! I wanted him to have black wings... but oh well.. not very heroic looking. ^_^ ![]() Thursday... you see... nobody came to my rescue... so there... darker pink hair.. complete transformation... horns got longer... the face was err.. not too nice looking.. the trident.. ready to poke at any one who tries to piss me off.. Actually.. i was very very frustrated and in danger of being pissed off easily.. still.. no one wanted to listen to me.. ![]() Friday.. the latest.. well I tried to solve the problem.. and it seems that fate is finally giving me a chance.. my prof decided to give me another chance.. so there.. I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel.. (well a little though) and so there.. another complete transformation... blue... because for me the color has a calming effect.. so peaceful... Yeah.. so there you have it! ^_^ cute stuffs right? *crosses fingers*
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 ....[*[RANdom stuff... :D]*]....
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought? Ahahah... anlaki ng eyebags ko.. amf 2. How much cash do you have on you? 2k na lang... ang gastos ko kasi.. >_< 3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?" eng... core? >_< pwede na yun! yun unang pumasok sa isip ko.. hahah! 4. Favorite planet? earth. kasi nandito akish.. 5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your mobile? sa isang fone ko.. si patchie... dun naman sa isa pa.. si Joycee! ^_^ 6. What was 4th text message? 4th text message? ahm..from meowmeow anong apelyido ni beast? di kwit! hahah! 7. What shirt are you wearing? a green shirt na may cute bunny.. XD 8. Do you "label" yourself as anything? Yeah.. nocturnal creature... 9. Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing? slippers.. bunny slippers... :D No label ! hahah! 10. Bright or Dark room? Dark.. :D 11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? ndi kasi kami masyadong close XD 13. What were you doing at midnight last night? Infront of the computer... downloading gakuen alice series.. saka chat! >_< 14. What did your last text message you received on your mobile say? from long lost brother X... matulog na daw ako! ^^ 15. Where is your mailbox? uhmm... front? 16. What's a word that you say a lot? adeek ka talaga! o kaya naman.. tae talaga! >_< 17 where are you? my dad's office... :D 19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days? isa lang... robitussin... hahah! 21. Favorite age you have been so far? 18... waaaah! 22. Your worst enemy? myself.. :D 23. Current thing on your desktop? naruto... weee! 24. What was the last thing you said to someone? hhhmm... as of now la pa.. may kausap pa ko eh :p 25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be? definitely a million bucks... duh... 26. Do you like someone? of course! 27. The last song you listened to? over the clouds.. compo ni dawnie... yikeee!~ ^_^ 28. If the last person you spoke to was getting shot at, would you jump in front of the bullet. Uhmm.. i dunno... dpende.. :D 29.If you could punch 1 person in your life right now, who would it be? ah.. syempre di ko sasabihin dito noh.. baka mabasa nya.. :D 30. What is the closest object to your left foot? uhm.... my slippers.. 31.who's the last person you touched? touched? my little brother! hahah! >_<
....[*[More Rants]*]....
yeah... back from the grave! hahah I have a new Livejournal account... it's at Click me so anyone of you who has an LJ account.. please add me up! thankies! :D It would be a nonformal rant board of mine... meaning... it's going to be in Tagalog.. yay! ^_^;;
Monday, May 08, 2006 ....[*[IDIOT]*]....
something i should have done last week but I didn't.. now I'm in a really deep deep shit... could even affect my OJT grades... I was so set to do that thing but other things got in the way.. now i don't know what to do anymore... I'm having a paranoia attack.. maybe I should start setting my priorities? sheesh... i need help! i need psychiatric help! seriously.... I want to cry... i want to cry until my eyes pop out..
Sunday, May 07, 2006 ....[*[Ryoma Echizen Blues]*]....
Okei.. here I am again... drooling over Hongo Kanata... the one who played Ryoma Echizen for Prince of Tennis Live Action... Waaaahhh... i want to meet him personally!!! *drools some more* ![]() ![]() ![]()
Saturday, May 06, 2006 ....[*[Splash aftermath, thanks and rants]*]....
Hero's splash island event was a blast.. there was one catch though.. we haven't practiced any song for that particular event and we actually thought of backing out before our performance, but we couldn't. It was a crazy act but I had fun and it was actually okay more than what I have expected. Performing with Do`ahou again was a blast too! it would be a very long time, i think... before we could see each other's faces again so I think I'm gonna miss their craziness and antics.. ^_^ Oh and before I forget.. I want to REALLY REALLY thank Pedz of Himitsu Heiki!! for giving me that hero T-shirt! (yeah, I'm not that bitter anymore because of that! ^_^) and for sparing his precious time to get me and my sissy home safely! waaah! i will forever be indebted to you! ^^ bleh! you know the drill.. videos and photos to be uploaded soon. *peace sign* I am currently doing my job for a content analysis thingie for Ma'am Mateo... I am also excited this coming monday since me, mama wena and joycee are coming to that company to resign.. (well.. is it the right word?) hahaha! finally! i can sleep peacefully... I dunno why it took me a long time to figure out that I am actually killing myself with all that hard work.. >_< but it's not too late baby! waaaahhh!!! ^_^ they were right.. I am currently too young to burden myself with such works.. i need to unwind and enjoy more.. savor the.... err what? I forgot.. I AM IN BITTER MODE! *slumps shoulders* Ran... you're such a fool.......... you're an idiot......... you are good for nothing......... you're wasting my time........... you are a flirt................. you look like a b**ch........... YEAH... maybe I am after all... but i'm nothing like a flirt or a bitch.. that's for sure! i shoudn't waste my time talking to idiots who think I'm nothing more than that last two statements.. mind this: you are in no position to judge me just by whatever it is you're seeing coz you don't know me! I don't wanna waste this precious space anymore... I think I've said enough.. anyway.. I'm sure that whatever it is i'm going to say won't matter anymore.. they wouldn't listen... a product of their own bitterness or jealousy? I wouldn't know... such fools... such idiots... nothing like me... bleh! "Revenge is best served cold!"
....[*[Drool Mode]*]....
from my past posts... you probably have an idea that I am head over heels in love with ryoma echizen (prince of tennis) and dreamt of seeing someone which looks like him... I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! PRINCE OF TENNIS THE MOVIE! and they all look like the characters! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I WANT TO WATCH IT... I WILL DIE FOR IT! i will do everythin in my power to meet that kid!!!! kiddin... but yeah i sorta feel somethin like that! *fangirl mode* i'm so sorry for the randomness.. but here's the trailer i saw.. ^-^ *SCREAMS* prince of tennis movie trailer
these are some of my favorite songs.. more songs to be uploaded soon..
The Webmistress
made the doll in such a way that it looked sorta like me.. plus the pink outfit.. gah! Meet my counterpart.. PORKY! ^^ Name: Rosalin Angeli C. Merez Age: 19 School: UP Diliman Course: CommRes ^^ Hobbies: Drawing, singing, PLAYING RPGs (you know, the ff series, and yeah! online games! woohoo! hooray for ragnarok!), collecting anime and cutesy stuffs, shoes.. lots of em, cosplaying, instrument: piano, tinkering weblayouts, fanfic writing Loves meowmeow! pink.. chocolates (ESP. Cadbury Hazelnuts).. almost anything.. lolz jk! well..the best way to bribe me is through my stomach and sweet tooth XD Hates posers, people who think they're high and mighty, backstabbers, gooey stuffs, blood and gore That's about it I guess... (for now..)
err yeah.. please visit my DA too! look for the link below.. thanks!
Just click 'em to see my past entries ^_^
April 2005 My adopted Pet
updating my photo album.. link will be posted soon. ^^ t_RANCE singing group link (which includes me.. hehe) just click on the image ^^ |