Sunday, April 22, 2007

....[*[Graduation blahs]*]....

Finally.. after all those sweat, blood and tears (literally), I/we finally made it! Congratulations to all fellow K3 blockmates!! I labshue ol! hahah! will post pictures later coz I'm actually too lazy to do it now.. heheh :D

Unlike all others though.. Yesterday was one of the hardest day too.. as I've said, "Last minute haggardness, I'll put everything into this since this will be the very last". Yep, as part of the graduation ceremony committee.. and an assistant head at that, I went to UP Film center last night to do my job.. alas! there were only four of us and no ushers in sight.. Kudos to Bebang, Melai and (I dunno the name of the other one) for still doing their jobs well despite the fact that we should all be taking a rest since the ceremony was slated at 8am today.. We had to cut hundreds of papers, double sided tapes, stick everything into place, and inhale spray paints for several hours.. I treated myself and two others at chocolate kiss though (and the resto drained my wallet real damn good - 500php for dinner.. lol)..

all of them (staffs and CS peeps) went home at 11:30.. me, my sis and Jl had to wait for my mom though.. (I think it took about 1 hr and 30 mins) It was like a scene from a horror movie.. everything was dark since the guard turned off all the lights.. lol I cringed at the thought of seeing ghosts since my friend had lots of ghostly encounters at the venue.. lolz Thank God I haven't seen anything! Oh yeah.. I attended graduation today with newborn pimples because of that!

anyway... this is it! I'll upload all acknowledgment things later.. hahah! My only regret is that I wasn't able to attend the University graduation rites since we went to Eastwood Libis for my blowout right after the college grad.. my dad and my mom have appointments too.. so I went home early and slept.. T_______T

Blockmates, thank you for eveything! I actually cried while watching the AVP's final part.. silly me XD

UP is definitely one of a kind! My experience in the College of Masscom thought me to be critical, aware and open-minded.. (mre importantly, everything is a social construct.. heheh kiddin!) anyway.. my post is getting emo now.. so I'll cut this and post the continuation tomorrow.. jk :D

Ack.. and I'm currently looking for a condo unit or apartment somewhere in Katipunan? I hope that my sister and I can move in by this week... XD

Ran 10:49 PM


these are some of my favorite songs.. more songs to be uploaded soon..

The Webmistress

made the doll in such a way that it looked sorta like me.. plus the pink outfit.. gah! Meet my counterpart.. PORKY! ^^

Name: Rosalin Angeli C. Merez

Age: 19

School: UP Diliman

Course: CommRes ^^

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, PLAYING RPGs (you know, the ff series, and yeah! online games! woohoo! hooray for ragnarok!), collecting anime and cutesy stuffs, shoes.. lots of em, cosplaying, instrument: piano, tinkering weblayouts, fanfic writing


meowmeow! pink.. chocolates (ESP. Cadbury Hazelnuts).. almost anything.. lolz jk! well..the best way to bribe me is through my stomach and sweet tooth XD


posers, people who think they're high and mighty, backstabbers, gooey stuffs, blood and gore


That's about it I guess... (for now..)

err yeah.. please visit my DA too! look for the link below.. thanks!



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Click on it three times and see what will happen! ^^ then spray or feed it by clicking the link below the pig which says "more" ^^


updating my photo album.. link will be posted soon. ^^

t_RANCE singing group link (which includes me.. hehe) just click on the image ^^

just click whatever folder you want to see.. msg: new uploads always... lolz


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